Does starting a fitness program spook you? 5 reasons why you should not wait!

Today is the day

Today is the day! Don’t wait until Monday, don’t wait for the new sneakers or clothes to arrive because TODAY IS THE DAY to get started.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was so wise. We have only today, so what’s wrong with NOW?

5 Reasons to start NOW

1. Build bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis affects over 20 million women and 5 million men and contributes to 250,000 hip fractures each year. Exercise delays the onset of osteoporosis by increasing bone strength.

2. Maintain balance and improve reflexes to decrease falls. This is especially important as we move into the winter months in the northern hemisphere where things can get slippery (ice, snow, wet leaves) and the sky gets darker earlier. The incidence of falls increases!

3. Increases your metabolism. Strength training increases muscle mass, which in turn will elevate metabolism. The result will be a reduction in overall body fat percentage.

4. Improves flexibility and functional movements, which helps you do the activates you like to do. It’s your body’s way of lubricating your joints!

7. A strong mood booster. My fitness group always tells me that after a class they feel so much better and exercise helps gets the day going. Exercise also reduces the incidence of depression, which we are seeing more and more of these days.

If you struggle with getting started. Check out the links below from my previous posts.  If you are serious about getting started TODAY, schedule a free consultation here. If we both agree you would benefit from my classes, I’ll give you a free week to try them.

Previous post that might be of interest

Excuse #1 I don’t have the time, I’m too busy
Excuse #2 I’m not motivated
Excuse #3 I don’t know how to get started

Sandi Feaster