Golf and/or Consult 

How's Your Golf Game?

Is your golf game as good as it once was, or are you just taking it up in retirement? Being strong and flexible is part of a better golf game. 

If you are interested in improving your golf game. I've developed a new program that might be right for you. It's not for the young ones who are flexible and strong - it's for us!

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Contact Me

Let us know what your goals are for fitness, golf fitness, or wellness in general. Just think about what it would be like to do the things you want to do.  Imagine yourself swinging with ease and finishing your game injury free or playing with your grandkids.  What does YOUR LIFE look like?

Complete the form below and let's see what will work for you.

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Sandi Golfing in Hawaii

How fit are you?

Are you golf ready or does your fitness need a little fine tuning.  Aren't you a little curious to see how fit you are?  GO HERE AND TAKE THIS SHORT FITNESS ASSESSMENT. You will be provided an analysis and recommendation in approximately 48 hrs. It's FREE.