2024 is Half Over!  "A year from now you may wish you had started today"  

Does this quote by Karen Lamb resonate with you?

You enjoy a brisk walk in the morning, playing pickleball or golf. Yet, the day gets away from you. You say you'll do it tomorrow.

Are you this person?

I want to do it now! I need to feel better. I can do it!


If you stay the same you will be the same

If you're that person who wants to enjoy every day to the best of your ability, I'm here to help.

My T60Fit or T60 Golf Fitness Classes will help you move better and get stronger. You can do the things you want because it's never too late.


I can help you, but it's up to you to take the first step. 

Why wait?  Start now to make a change so you can do the things you want.


Click HERE or on the CONSULT TAB and take the first step. If not today, when?

You CAN do this!

Join other T60 Fitters!  CLICK BELOW

 What are you waiting for?

I am you!

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important as we age.  The earlier in life you can start the better, but it's never too late to start. Moving more, eating better and avoiding behaviors that hasten the onset of disease are all part of the equation.

Medical Professional With a Goal of Living our Best and Healthiest Life

I'm Sandi Feaster, a nurse, personal trainer, and wellness coach.  My husband Bill is a physician and wellness devotee.

We are both well into our journey as seniors. I turn 70 this year (2024).  Bill and I have both experienced health and fitness challenges, so we understand the various aspects of aging firsthand.  Given those challenges, we are devoted to having the best healthspan possible. In fact, we moved to a small ranch and planted a vineyard, fruit trees, and a small avocado grove.  

Our goal is to be around to reap the rewards of our labor in a few years and keep enjoying our PlaySpan!  To do that requires a level of fitness and good nutrition so we can work the fields, and do all that is required to keep the ranch going.

Are you ready to move more and enjoy your encore years.

What You Can Expect

On this website you will find blog posts focused on aging and longevity and links to T60 fitness classes.

Take the First Step and Sign Up

I encourage you to sign up so you get notified when there are new offerings, blog posts and other helpful information.

Even if you get one pearl of information that will make you a better you, that's a win. It is your life and my goal is to help you make it the best one possible. Let's do this together.

Turning 60 and Beyond

Improve your Balance and Strength with our Better Balance and Strength Tip Sheet - It's FREE on our Free Resources Page.