Endurance versus Muscular Strength: Three Reasons Why You Need Both

Child In Gym
Endurance & strength is needed to do this

Go longer, go stronger.  If you can use your muscles for an extended period such as taking a long walk, bike riding, tennis, pickleball, swimming, walking the golf course, or even climbing up that jungle gym and feel that your breathing is a bit faster and your heart speeding up, that is endurance.

Muscular strength is what will allow you to lift a heavy object. Think of a trip to Costco where there is always something heavy in that purchase. You may be doing chores around the house such as carrying a bucket of water or a bag of potting soil.  Even picking up that 20-pound bag of dog or cat food, yes it’s heavy! That’s why strength is important.

Develop muscular strength and endurance to prevent the frailty freefall

Developing muscular strength and endurance are strategies when used in combination will help prevent and treat frailty syndrome as you age. We have all seen that very frail person who had difficulty getting out of a chair or walking across the room or up the stairs.

The goal is to prevent the freefall into frailty by increasing your strength and endurance. Training for both strength and endurance will help maintain or improve the activities related to daily living as well as help with fall prevention.

Change the narrative to making your workout an indulgence

Chocolate Cake
Who can’t resist this indulgence?

Think of getting in your strength and endurance as indulging in a great piece of chocolate or cake. Imagine how happy that makes you feel when you “indulge.”  Why not change your narrative about exercise by indulging in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance activity per week to produce exciting results as an outcome of indulgence.  My T60Fit Total Body classes provide you with 135 minutes of endurance and strength training each week.  I know you can find a few more minutes to get to 150.

Take this quick quiz

Martha is a 72-year-old woman who is currently physically inactive. She often feels tired and lethargic, and after being cleared by her healthcare provider starts exercising (a program like T60Fit) for 150 minutes each week.

At the end of the 12 weeks:

  • Martha has more energy throughout the day and notices that she doesn’t get as tired as easily (improved stamina).
  • Martha can carry her groceries into the house without difficulty (improved strength).
  • Martha can now take long walks with her friend Anita (improved endurance).

Would you like to be Martha?

Yes – If you answered Yes, these are the 3 reasons why you need to do strength and endurance work. If you are ready to start, I’ll even give you a week of T60Fit FREE. Just click HERE to go to the consult page on this website and say FREE class in the contact message.

No – If you answered No, sit back down and enjoy your day.

When can you expect to see results if you start NOW?

If you train consistently and progress at regular intervals, you can expect to see a noticeable improvement in two to three months. Progress takes time. If you are currently doing an exercise program, start increasing the weight you’re using and the effort you are putting in. To prevent injury, increase the difficulty of your workouts in small steps, but keep increasing the effort to fully realize the payoff.

If you stay the same, you will be the same


To celebrate spring, indulge yourself and join a fitness class or get outside for a long walk.  I’m here to help if you like. 

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Sandi Feaster