Here we are at the beginning of July and the half-way point in the 2021. Are you feeling like you are ready to get out of the pandemic blues and perhaps hit the reset button?
One thing I like to do is to reflect on my New Year’s Resolutions and see if they stuck. This year I am just going to let them pass by, because I know I never kept them. Mine generally go like this: I want to read more, eat better, exercise more, learn a new language, etc. Are you with me on those aspirations/resolutions that never see July?
So this July 4th, I declare we become independent of those big aspirations that always leave us feeling like we dropped the ball, or worse.
Today I am going to start with doing one little thing each day. My new habit is to learn Spanish and I will choose a new word in Spanish each day.
My challenge is what is that ONE little thing or habit can you start and do it for an entire week. Let me know in the comments or just keep track on your own. Mine is going to be learn one word in Spanish.
Today’s word is Exito (that means SUCCESS).
Have a very safe and wonderful July 4th Holiday!